TCW Multi-Sector Fixed Income Fund

TCW Multi-Sector Fixed Income Fund


Classe IU (USD)
100.00 12/09/2014


A Flexible Multi Sector Bond Fund

TCW Unconstrained Bond Fund was officially renamed on July 8th, 2024.

The Sub-Fund seeks to provide investors with positive long-term returns irrespective of general securities market conditions. The Sub-Fund invests (except when maintaining a temporary defensive position) directly at least 80% of
its net assets in securities and instruments qualifying as bonds in the U.S. and abroad, including Emerging Market Countries, and in derivative instruments that provide investment exposure to such securities. The Sub-Fund may purchase securities of varying maturities issued by domestic and foreign corporations and governments. The Sub-Fund may invest in both investment grade and high yield fixed income securities (commonly called “junk bonds”), subject to investing no more than 50% of its total assets (measured at the time of investment) in securities rated below investment grade by Moody’s, S&P or Fitch, or, if unrated, determined by the Investment Manager to be of comparable quality. The Sub-Fund is designed to maintain exposure to fixed income investments not limited to a single sector or theme.
The TCW Multi-Sector Fixed Income Fund is an ESG Promotion Sub-Fund and employs a proprietary ESG research framework to evaluate and score bonds and other securities. Factors incorporated in the proprietary research score vary by asset class and may include indicators such as factors related to physical and transition climate risk, lending standards and practices, deal terms and governance, and community impact among many other topics.
TCW Article 8 Sub-Funds aim to promote positive environmental and social characteristics, by investing in companies that are managing ESG and sustainability risks, that are meeting a minimum standard for sustainable investments, and where TCW seeks to leverage its influence as an investor to engage with portfolio companies in order to improve sustainability practices and outcomes.


Generalist PM



Generalist PM


Group MD,
Generalist PM


Group MD,
Co-Head of Global Credit


Group MD,
Generalist PM

Lower risk
Potentially lower rewards
Higher risk
Potentially higher rewards


Historical monthly returns (in %)

2014  0.2*0.40.2-0.30.5

*Since inception (September 12nd 2014) to December 31st 2014.
Figures based on month-end NAVs

Statistics (in %) as of 28 jun 2024

Max DD

First NAV : 12Sep2014 – NAV at inception : USD 100.
All figures based on month-end NAVs. Risk data calculated since inception.

Past performance does not guarantee nor predict future performance.


Fund Type Luxembourg SICAV – UCITS
Income treatment Accumulation / Distribution, according to classes
Launch date 12 September 2014
Base currency USD
Available currencies USD
EUR, GBP, CHF (hedged & unhedged)
Manager TCW Investment Management Company LLC
Quotation (NAV calcultation) Daily (business days)
Administrator Société Générale, Luxembourg Branch
Subscription/Redemption Day D, cut-off 10pm CET
Management fee 0.70% p.a. for class I
1.40% p.a. for class A
Performance fee None
Min. initial investment Class A : None
Class I : USD 1 mio or equivalent
Lock-up None
Commercial fees (entry/exit) None
Custodian bank Société Générale, Luxembourg Branch
Auditors Deloitte Audit
Swiss legal representative Acolin Fund Services AG
Registration for distribution AT, BE, CH, DE, ES, FR, GB, IT, LU (as per shares) – Contact us


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TCW – Q1 2024 Talking Points

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